Domestic Hot Water in Multifamily Passive House Projects
Moving from fossil-fuel boilers to other forms of domestic hot water heating can be challenging, but it’s doable. This training, featuring Redwood Energy’s Sean Armstrong…
Case Study | Single Family Embodied Carbon Focus: 17 Mile Haus
PHribbon Case Studies, showcase real world examples and the professionals working on them. Find out the latest and ask questions! The PHN PHribbon allows Passive…
Passive House 101 Cram Session
Passive House is a revolutionary approach to building design that aims to create ultra-energy-efficient buildings that are comfortable, healthy, and resilient. In this video, we…
Passive House Multi-Family – Good for All is Good for One
How Passive House Qualities Benefit both Occupants & Owners Target Audience: Building owners, developers, code reviewers, planning officials and design professionals interested in learning about…
Passive House & Resilient Design in the Face of Fire
Fire has always been a normal part of the west but with climate change and ever-expanding built environments our homes and cities are increasingly vulnerable.…
Passive House Building Certification Guide 10
Passive House Building Certification Guide 10 – Published by the Passive House Institute. DOWNLOAD PDF
Ventilation Practices for Schools and Residential Buildings
iPHA Webinar February 2021|Speakers: Berthold Kaufmann, Passive House Institute Rainer Pfluger, University of Innsbruck When temperatures drop in winter, relying on window ventilation to manually…
Building design for the renewable energy future: Primary Energy Renewable
iPHA Webinar May 2021|Speakers: Jessica Grove-Smith, Passive House Institute The way we design buildings plays a significant role in enabling the transition to a sustainable…
Embodied energy and carbon in Passive House construction
iPHA Webinar August 2021|Speakers: Benjamin Krick, Passive House Institute, Tim Martel, Freelance Architectural Technologist and Passive House Designer In the first half of the webinar,…
Summer Comfort with Passive Measures
iPHA Webinar June 2021|Speakers: Soraya López García and Jessica Grove-Smith, Passive House Institute Thermal comfort throughout the year – winter and summer – lies at…
The Building Blocks of Passive House Performance
In this introductory course you will learn about Passive House and how it fits with other sustainable initiatives in our efforts to mitigate the Climate…
Keys to Successful Passive House Implementation [in California!]
As California, the 5th largest economy in the world, pushes toward electrification and away from fossil fuels, a big question is how far can building…