Passive House California Trifold Brochure

If you have come to this PHCA website address through the QR Code in order to get additional information related to the content of the Trifold Brochure, go to the link below for access to the content of the Trifold Brochure — as well as further details and explanations.


Note: Additional Information related to the Passive House California Trifold Brochure.  Page 1 through 6 show each of the 6 segments on the left with additional information, explanations, and/or images associated with the content of the respective segment. The last two pages show both sides (three segments each) of the Trifold Brochure.

Looking for more resources?
Consider exploring the additional links below to become more informed about the design, construction, and positive impacts of Passive House for people and the future of the planet.

What is Passive House

VIDEO – Introduction to Passive House Buildings in California

VIDEO – Passive House Explained in 90 Seconds

VIDEO – Passive House Explained in 90 Seconds for Warm Climates

RESOURCES – Passipedia (Passive House Institute)

RESOURCES – Passive House Component Database