2021 Passive House Award Winners

Passive House Institute presents 2021 Passive House Award to 14 awardees

Darmstadt/Wuppertal, Germany. The ceremony for the 2021 Passive House Award was held online this time, but was equally exciting. During the 25th International 

Passive House Conference in the Historic Town Hall of the city of Wuppertal, the Passive House Institute presented the Passive House Award to 14 awardees from nine countries. Most of them participated in the ceremony via video stream and celebrated online. 

The awardees of the 2021 Passive House Award were full of joy as Jan Steiger of the Passive House Institute presented the Award in the Historic Town Hall of Wuppertal. Most of them were present via a video stream and viewers were able to contribute to the celebratory atmosphere during the live broadcast of the conference. “Buildings constructed to the Passive House standard require much less energy and significantly lower emissions are produced over their life-cycle. This exactly is vital for effective climate protection. All winners are a perfect example of how an extremely sustainable building standard can be implemented with a high architectural quality and in completely diverse ways”, explains Jan Steiger, one of the managing directors of the Passive House Institute.