Professional Trainings | Webinars

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Pass­ive House De­sign­er/Con­sult­ant course (CPHD/C)

Be­come a com­pet­ent Pass­ive House plan­ner by learn­ing everything from how to define the thermal en­vel­ope to how to over­come fre­quent plan­ning and con­struc­tion chal­lenges. This course will take you in­to the de­tails of Pass­ive House build­ings to en­sur­e that the de­sired en­ergy sav­ings are ac­tu­ally achieved and that the build­ing will per­form as planned!

Course audience and requirements:
These modules are aimed at all building professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors and builders. You need to have some basic knowledge of building physics and be able to use Microsoft Excel.

Course content:
There are several course options, including blended learning, but they all cover the topics below over a period of 5 to 10 days. For more detailed information, please have a look at these learning targets. Some course providers also offer an additional revision session to best prepare for the Certified Passive House Designer / Consultant exam.

Passive House Tradesperson Course (CPHT)

Learn how to build a Passive House building! Gain a good understanding of the interactions and interdependency of building components in a Passive House project. This course also enables you to assess the energy efficiency of any planning modifications and to solve problems with the designers involved in construction due to a similar knowledge base.

Course audience and requirements:
These modules are primarily aimed at trades people, but other building professionals may join as well, to get familiar with the realities of the building site. You need to have some basic trades people training.

Course content:
Over 3 to 5 days, the basis for a high quality building site are ensured by conveying trades people an overall impression of the interdisciplinary Passive House concept. Course participants may choose between the Building Envelope or Building Services Specialization, or take both

Specialized Training

Professionals specializing in Passive House construction can develop a deep knowledge base and optimization skills with in-depth specialized work.  Subjects include:  DesignPH introduction, advanced DesignPH and PHPP; PHPP training, multifamily buildings, Therm, WUFI and more. For more information please check the upcoming training calendar.

Thermal Bridging Training | On-Demand

Thermal bridge calculations are critical for designing Passive House performance and optimizing HVAC system sizing, enclosure durability, and occupant comfort.  Go at your own pace, learn the basics, and the tricks of the trade.

PHPP Energy Modeling Training | On-Demand

PHPP energy balance calculations are the heart of Passive House design tools, giving you command of the performance outcomes of your design decisions, as you pursue architectural excellence.

Passive House Windows

Explore the history of fenestration, the unique characteristics of windows used in passive house, learn how to design and detail Passive House windows, look at look at window calculations for a passive house building, and how to install high-performance windows for Passive House buildings. Discover Passive House Windows through case studies throughout the course.


Session 1: The PHPP received a major upgrade this past year. Improvements include summer overheating risk assessment, prediction comparison with monitored data, a Room Data tool and Record tool for complex projects, variant include PV and solar thermal, project overviews, component categories for heat pumps and combination units, and more!
Session 2: In this second of the two-part seminar, Andrew Peel will focus on the expanded treatment of heat pumps in the PHPP – how to navigate the new inputs and outputs to ensure modeling accuracy.  Participants will also learn how PHPP can be used to inform mechanical system design for optimal performance. The review will include excizes and builds on the work of the first review session.

Certificate renewal

There are two methods for Designers/Consultants, as well as Tradespeople, to renew their certificates. One method is by supplying building documentation for a certified Passive House, EnerPHit retrofit or PHI Low Energy Building project, where full responsibility for the building design and the project planning using PHPP has been exercised by the applicant. The other method is through continuous education activities and the accrual of Credit Points (CP). There are many opportunities to participate in continuing educational events, such as relevant courses, webinars, events or engagement in Passive House teaching activities.

Please click here to  “Earn further credit points to renew the certificate” or  “Design and document a certified Passive House