2021 Pas­si­ve Hou­se Award – SUBMIT BEFORE JUNE 1st

Awards ce­re­mony as part of the Con­fer­en­ce Submit your building by 01 June, 2021

Passive House Award 2021

In order to award industry innovators who achieve outstanding architecture while demonstrating the heights that energy efficiency can reach, the Passive House Institute is running the 2021 Passive House Architecture award. It will be the third of its kind, building on a line of highly successful events.

With the “2021 Passive House Award”, the Institute will highlight the best of the best Passive House projects from around the world, showing the variety of ways Passive House is being implemented internationally in a high-quality and inspired manner. The finalists’ designs will not only be interesting from an architectural perspective, but also take account the developments and challenges affecting society as a whole. The award will be presented during the 25th International Passive House Conference in September in Wuppertal, Germany and broadcast live online.

Certified Passive House buildings, low energy buildings and EnerPHit projects can participate in the Award. Passive House districts can also be submitted. Special consideration will be given to the renewable energy supply of the buildings by an International Panel of Judges, who will choose the winner of this competition.

Further information can be found on the Passive House Architecture Award Website.