In 2004, Patrick MacLeamy (CEO of HOK Architects) introduced the “Effort Curve”, now known as the MacLeamy Curve, to leverage technology and collaboration early in the design process for new buildings. Today, application of MacLeamy’s logic is critically important in achieving Passive House performance.
A simple analogy: Imagine you were arranging a family vacation that included visits to several countries — and you wanted to arrive back home on time and on budget. It would be smart to make detailed plans and arrangements (where, how, what, when, and how much) well before you began to travel. The same is true for the design and construction, or major renovation, of a high-performance project. The MacLeamy Curve illustrates the logic of moving analysis and decisions to early in the design process.
Following the logic of the MacLeamy Curve also encourages an aspirational approach to new construction and renovation. When you have an early understanding of what is possible in terms of performance, you are able to systematically make choices to achieve the highest (smartest) level of performance that makes financial sense. For a short video (<4 min.) on the MacLeamy Curve –
A special thank you to Craig Stevenson, Beth Eckenrode of the Auros Group ( who introduced me to the MacLeamy Curve, Owner’s Performance Requirements (OPR), and evidence-based performance. The latter two are possible topics for future EpiPHany Corners.