“Project Spotlight: How to develop a Sustainable Urban Neighborhood”

This iPHA member webinar will last approximately 90 minutes and is worth 2 Passive House Continuous Education (CEPH) credit point.

On the site of the former Prinz-Eugen-Park barracks, the city of Munich realized the largest wooden housing project in Germany, with up to 600 apartments. ArchitekturWerkstatt Vallentin, together with the office Johannes Kaufmann Architektur from Austria, designed a part of this wooden housing community: the Baugemeinschaft TEAM³. The ensemble of the building cooperative TEAM³ is the first quarter worldwide, certified by the Passive House Institute Darmstadt.
The architecture focused on energy efficiency, ecology and resource efficiency. The requirements for the new building included the implementation of timber construction, energy-efficient building, and car-reduced living. The careful use of resources in the construction phase, as well as the reduction of energy consumption and emissions during everyday life, are just as much a part of the building community’s goals as the rethinking and practice of sustainable mobility.

by Lukas Vallentin, BA Architekt from  A r c h i t e k t u r W e r k s t a t t    V a l l e n t i n   GmbH


Jul 07 2021

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