The fundamentals of Passive House design and construction deliver “high performance buildings” in terms of energy efficiency, comfort, healthy indoor air quality, durability, and lower cost of maintenance. The ways in which different groups of stakeholders’ experience and benefit from those performance factors will vary based on the needs, priorities, and preferences of the stakeholders. Scroll down to learn about how Passive House makes sense for homeowners.

Being inside a Passive House is different

  • Those who live and/or work in Passive House buildings directly experience the comfort and health benefits associated with airtight construction, strategic insulation, and continuous filtered fresh air.
  • The dramatic (up to 95%) reduction of unplanned airborne allergens and pollutants coming in through leaks is likely to be the most impactful difference in terms of physical health, particularly for those with respiratory issues.
    • No dust motes in the sunbeams coming through windows and the infrequent dusting required are clear indications that occupants are breathing far cleaner air.
  • The consistent desired temperatures throughout, upstairs and down, and across all seasons, along with the suppression of outside noise have been described as delivering an “all-encompassing” comfort and providing a “sense of well-being”.

Beyond the experience — Passive House performance delivers several other advantages over conventional design and construction.

  • Extreme Energy Efficiency:

    • Up to 90% reduction in energy needed for heating and cooling
    • Up to 70% reduction in overall operational energy
  • Resilience from Renewables and Energy Storage:

    • A Passive House will require substantially less renewable energy to achieve Net Zero
    • Battery storage for electric energy will have more impact, lasting
    • The building itself functions as a thermal battery and makes Passive House buildings much slower to deviate from their desired temperature
  • Increased Durability:

    • Air contains water vapor (humidity) and that vapor can turn to condensation on nearby surfaces when it changes temperature
    • Inside and outside temperatures are different most of time and air passing through leaks in the building envelope can leave condensation along the way
    • The increased airtightness of Passive House construction results in fewer leaks, reduced opportunity for condensation, and lower risk of rot or mold
  • Reduced Maintenance:

    • The much lower demand for heating and/or cooling in Passive House buildings enables smaller “right-sized” mechanical systems that require less expensive maintenance
    • The lower demand is also more consistent, allowing the mechanical systems to operate smoothly, with less stress and fewer repairs needed
  • Environmental Responsibility:

    • Your support of PHCA is an investment in the transition to healthy, comfortable, durable, energy and resource efficient buildings and communities throughout California quality — a responsible choice for occupants, communities, and the future of the planet

Passive House California

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