Green Solutions Awards | Deadline February 28, 2023
Passive House California , February 6, 2023 - Award|Competition

The Green Solutions Awards are back! It has never been so easy to take part. Help spread Passive House best practices, increase your visibility and aim at an additional distinction for your work! The award ceremony will take place during the next UN Climate Conference (COP 28) – but no matter if your project gets nominated or not, all case studies will be published on various social media channels as soon as completed!
– a link to your project on the Passive House database
– a short description of your project highlighting its special features and the reasons why it should be nominated (10 lines)
– a few high resolution pictures (around 4, best 8-10) with copyrights
Thank you for showing to a broader audience that Passive House buildings can have a great variety of shapes, functions, sizes, and work in all climate zones!