Performance Criteria

  • Maximum Heating or Cooling Energy: 15 kWh/m2 (1.4 kWh/ft2 or 4.75 kBtu/ft2) per year
  • Maximum Total Source Energy: 120 kWh/m2 (11 kWh/ft2 or 38 kBtu/ft2) per year (All energy used in the building is included: heating and cooling, hot water, appliances, lighting, and plug loads. “Source Energy” includes the energy required to produce and deliver the energy to the site and can be offset with solar thermal. Photovoltaics cannot be included in source energy offset calculations.)
  • Maximum Air Leakage: 0.6 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals (ACH50), ~0.03 ACHNAT

Certification Process

  1. Accurate compliance modeling with the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP)
  2. Third party verified blower door test, 0.6 ACH50 maximum
  3. Record of adjustment of ventilation system
  4. Declaration of Construction Supervisor
  5. Photographic Documentation


Passive House Building Certifiers (as authorized by the Passivhaus Institut)

These institutions are authorized by the Passive House Institute to issue the “Quality Approved Passive House” and “EnerPHit” (for building retrofits) certificates with the protected PHI seals.


Certifie​d Passive House Consultants

Find architects, engineers, builders, and other professionals throughout California and the world to help guide your next Passive House project. Consultants can help complete the PHPP, consult on design decisions, and support Passive House Certification goals, as well as coordinate with a Passive House Certifier to complete the certification process.

  • Search our Membership Listing on this website for local, qualified Passive House Consultants