Press Release | Passive House Meets Social Goals

#EfficiencyFirst: Highly energy efficient buildings support aims of United Nations

Darmstadt, Germany. The United Nations set 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be reached by 2030. Envisioned as a ‘‘blueprint to achieve a better and a more sustainable future for all’’, the goals cover a wide array of fields and topics. With a new article and accompanying infographic, the International Passive House Association illustrates how highly energy efficient buildings built to the Passive House standard play a direct role in achieving these global aims.

The article “Passive House and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Connecting an international building standard with global aims” comes at a
time when policymakers and the private sector are making decisions about the direction their building guidelines and
business development will take. The article details the performance-based Passive House standard with its transparent quality-assurance processes and application for both new- builds and retrofits across all climate zones.