Please see below presentations from the Building Zero California Symposium.
Bronwyn Barry: Opening Remarks
Alex Wilson: Resilience: Futureproofing our Building Stock
Nick Grant: Resilience: A Steep Learning Curve
David Posada: Scaling Up: Portland, Oregon’s First PH Mixed-use, Multi-Family Development
Dave Springer: Performance Matters: Real Numbers from Built Projects
Floris Keverling Buisman: Natural Building: Foam Free High Performance Solutions
Allen Gilliland: The Builder’s Panel: Lessons Learned from the Smart End of the Hammer
Sean Miskelley: The Builder’s Panel: Lessons Learned from the Smart End of the Hammer
Graham Irwin: Passive House: A Solution for ALL Sixteen California Climates
Devon Hartman: CHERP: Claremont’s Plan for Deep Energy Retrofits