The Passive House Institute is the developer and exclusive copyright holder of DesignPH.
DesignPH, on the other hand, is a SketchUP-based tool that provides preliminary energy balance calculations from the early design stages. The visualization advantages of a 3D Model combined with the preliminary energy balance, help the user make the best design decisions from the early stages of the project. DesignPH exports the relevant information of the thermal envelope including windows and shading to the PHPP and is proven to be very accurate. PHPP is an easy to use, excel-based tool for the use of architects and planning experts.
CLICK HERE to watch a basic DesignPH introduction video.
CLICK HERE to take a pre-recorded DesignPH Training by Ed May and New York Passive House (NYHP).
Good news from the designPH development team. 2021 brings two fresh updates which will be available for free to existing designPH 2.0 Pro users.
a) Maintenance update:
This brings compatibility with SketchUp 2021 and also a number of bug fixes. Available from February 2021 (* registered users will be notified by email when the download is available)
b) Full IP conversion:
Also coming soon will be a major designPH update (also free) that will provide a full conversion to imperial (IP) units. Users will be able to switch live between imperial and metric units, giving the ability to enter project data and view the calculation results in either units system. Passive House component / climate data updates will also be included in this version.