We have an exciting announcement to share. Today, the Passive House Network is releasing a new report, Safe at home: How all-electric, multi-family Passive House buildings deliver comfortable, cost-effective climate resilience, that tells the story of the vitally important role Passive House is playing in bolstering climate resilience while accelerating decarbonization efforts in the U.S.
The report finds that all-electric, multi-family Passive House design is ideal for keeping hot air and wildfire smoke out, and energy use and bills much lower than average—without overburdening the power grids. Further, the report finds that it’s reached a pivotal cost breakthrough, and can be built at similar to the same cost as standard buildings, if not cheaper when factoring in incentive programs.
With no economic barrier, there is no excuse to continue business as usual. This summer’s wildfire smoke, extreme heat, and other climate disasters have shown the scale of the challenges the U.S. faces in 2023, and will continue to face in the future. Our report identifies how to bring the solution of all-electric, multi-family Passive House to mass-scale adoption quickly, by applying the proven methods, policies, and programs from early-adopter states like New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.