Passive House Modeling Incentives Available in California

The California Energy Design Assistance Program (CEDA) offers incentives to encourage Passive House modeling using the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). The California Energy Design Assistance is the new construction decarbonization resource for commercial, multifamily, public, agricultural, and Industrial customers and their design teams across the state. FIND OUT MORE AND START YOU APPLICATION

The Keys to Successful Passive House Implementation

Imagine buildings so well constructed they need virtually no heating or cooling and can cut normal utility bills by 50%–80%. Now imagine these buildings are also so airtight there is almost no air leakage or outside street noise, yet they provide healthy, fresh, filtered air throughout the day whether windows or doors are open or not. Moreover, these buildings are not dark boxes with tiny windows, but light, bright, spacious…

Architecture at Zero Competition | 2021-21 Winners | Passive House BB receives Merit Award

Architecture at Zero is a design competition for decarbonization, equity and resilience, open to students and professionals worldwide. It serves to engage the fields of architecture, design, engineering and planning in the pursuit of sustainable design. The 2021-22 competition challenges entrants to develop affordable housing for farmworker families in Visalia, California, one of the world’s most productive farming regions. The 2021-22 Competition award announcement that took place on February 11, 2022. Click…

PHribbon | Whole Life Carbon Calculator

The PHN PHribbon allows Passive House designers to calculate total cradle-to-grave building carbon emissions, for buildings located in the US, within the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) tool. By utilizing the PHPP and PHN PHribbon, building designers have an unparalleled ability to connect design and construction choices to carbon emissions outcomes. With the PHN PHribbon designers can optimize their building designs to address our climate emergency. As with the PHPP itself, all calculations in the PHN PHribbon are transparent and viewable. Find out more