The International Passive House Association (iPHA) just published an article to the topic of why certification is a benefit for owners, architects, designers and trades people. CLICK HERE FOR LINK.
Interview with Bronwyn Barry: Women Driving the Passive House Industry
Women Driving the Passive House Industry is iPHA’s newest interview series which aims to highlight the remarkable women working in the Passive House community. The iPHA team interviewed a handful of the many women who’ve contributed substantially to the growth of the Passive House Standard around the world. Here’s our fourth interview featuring Bronwyn Barry the founder of Passive House California. CLICK HERE TO READ THE INTERVIEW
Barriers to Incorporating Passive House Concepts in Residential New Construction
Barriers to Incorporating Passive House Concepts in Residential New Construction Whitepaper: December 11, 2019 By Rick Winch, Ellen Steiner, Ph.D., and Jen Loomis, Ph.D. This white paper presents findings from a research effort to identify barriers to, and opportunities for, incorporating Passive House (PH) principles into California's Energy Code. Opinion Dynamics conducted a literature review and interviews with 16 subject matter experts in PH principles, beyond-code programming, and residential new…
The “Duck Curve” – What it is – Why You Care
The intent here is a simplified explanation of how and why our patterns of electrical usage create issues for utilities, how rooftop solar impacts those issues, and how energy storage helps solve them. Think “Duck Curve for Dummies”. Two important facts about electricity are important to the explanation. First, electricity must be used as it is generated. A limited amount can be stored in batteries but it cannot be compressed…
Passive House California 2020 Board Members
The Passive House California (PHCA) Board Retreat took place in Los Angeles, CA this weekend. PHCA welcomes the new 2020 board members. Board members from left to right in the picture: Xavier Gaucher, CPHD Jed Donaldson Jay Gentry Irina Tehrani, CPHD Sofia Siegel Christian Kienapfel, CPHD Rob Nicely, CPHD Colin Shane, CPHD Mike Horgan, CPHD Sophia Beavis, CPHD (not in picture) Ryan Hayes, CPHD (not in picture)