SANCO2 Heat Pump Water Heaters: Introducing the New Gen 5 The SANCO2 Generation 5 Heat Pump water heaters are finally here! Join Small Planet Supply’s Eric Fenno for a quick, informative webinar about the features in this new model and discover why you’ll want to have this product making your home or project’s hot water.
From Our Sponsors | SANCO2 Single-Family Webinar
John Miles, ECO2 Systems President, will present a webinar on SANCO2 4th Generation heat pump water heaters and changes with the 4th Generation systems. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFROMATION
Entering the Electrification Frontier: The Tri-County Market for Heat Pump Water Heaters (Regional Forum)
California is investing $400 million dollars in the electrification market with the expectation for substantial market demand for electrifying water heating with heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) over the next 5 years. In the tri-county residential sector, water heating is the largest user of natural gas and HPWHs present a huge market opportunity for building professionals – especially contractors, distributors, and manufacturers. During this event, attendees will gain real-world understanding of…