Presentation Description Building high performance buildings, up to and including Passive House certified, means we need to ‘Build Airtight and Ventilate Right’. This presentation discusses the importance and benefits of properly balanced, filtered, continuous ventilation with heat recovery in high performance projects. By using mechanical heat recovery ventilation (HRV) and energy recovery ventilation (ERV) systems to provide oxygenated fresh air to occupants, we can control how much air is brought…
HRV and ERV Basics
HRV and ERV Basics will provide introductory level information about HRVs and ERVs and how they are installed in today’s homes. Information will be provided to enable learners to achieve the following learning objectives: Describe how HRVs and ERVs provide fresh air into a home. Identify the components of HRV and ERV systems. Recognize and plan for climate and occupancy in system design. Explain the difference between HRVs and ERVs…
“Build it Tight and Ventilate Right: High Performance, Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery” (presented by 475)
Presentation Description Building high performance buildings, up to and including Passive House certified, means we need to ‘Build Airtight and Ventilate Right’. This presentation discusses the importance and benefits of properly balanced, filtered, continuous ventilation with heat recovery in high performance projects. By using mechanical heat recovery ventilation (HRV) and energy recovery ventilation (ERV) systems to provide oxygenated fresh air to occupants, we can control how much air is brought…
Zehnder ComfoAir H/ERV Systems (presented by Small Planet Supply)
Back by popular demand! Join Zehnder America's Szabi Fekete and Small Planet Supply's Mahta Najafian Razavi in a discussion about the different models of Zehnder HRV and ERVs and how you can ensure you are choosing the right model for your home or build. During the webinar, Szabi will: Showcase the superior features that distinguish Zehnder H/ERVs Review Zehnders H/ERV product range Highlight the key distinctions of each Zehnder H/ERV…
A new HRV is entering North American
Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) and Energy Recovery Ventilation (HRV) for Passive House applications will provide information about how HRVs and ERVs play a central role in Passive House construction. Information will be provided to enable learners to achieve the following learning objectives: Describe the role of HRVs or ERVs in Passive House construction and how it contributes to energy-efficient design Identify how system components contribute to the performance of an…
Three Types of Filters that Help your Zehnder HRV to Keep Indoor Air Clean
From the moment outside air enters the system, a Zehnder system (and its filters) are designed to keep air contaminants from entering your home, while efficiently recovering heat (or cooling) from the air exiting your home. Do you know every level of filtration available to you for your Zehnder recovery ventilator? If you’ve recently installed one of these units, or purchased a house that included one already, you hopefully know…
Small Planet Supply renews as a Platinum Sponsor
Small Planet Supply is a North-American company that provides high-performance building products. They are dedicated to the mission of creating both classic and modern high-performing buildings, including those designed and built to both Zero Net Energy and Passive House standards. In addition to supplying high-performance building products and systems they provide education, and training in the use of energy-efficient building materials and practices. Small Planet Supply is passionate champion of the…
Passive House Air Quality
Passive House buildings rely on a constant supply of filtered fresh air, provided by a heat or energy recovery ventilator (HRV/ERV). Fresh air is delivered to the primary living areas, and stale air is exhausted from the “wet” areas—bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. (Note—the kitchen exhaust is not a replacement for a properly-sized range hood.) There are several important characteristics of this equipment: Fresh air is delivered and stale air…
Passive House Residential Ventilation in California
Passive House residential ventilation seems like a fairly straightforward topic on the surface. You install a whole-house heat-recovery ventilator (HRV) or energy-recovery ventilator (ERV), exhausting stale air from the wet areas of the house and supplying fresh air to the primary living and sleeping areas. (I’ll use the term HRV to represent both types of equipment throughout the remainder of this article). Unfortunately, the Passive House design guidelines don’t always…
HRV and ERV for Passive House Applications
Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) and Energy Recovery Ventilation (HRV) for Passive House applications will provide information about how HRVs and ERVs play a central role in Passive House construction. Information will be provided to enable learners to achieve the following learning objectives: Describe the role of HRVs or ERVs in Passive House construction and how it contributes to energy-efficient design Identify how system components contribute to the performance of an…