Passive House California (PHCA) was attending with a booth as community partner the “My Green Building Conference + Expo”. The largest and longest-running gathering for green building and sustainability advocates in Southern California organized by the U.S. Green Building Council - Los Angeles (USGLB LA). We had many good conversations and reached outreach out to stakeholders informing them about the international Passive House construction standard and building certification. MyGBCE 2023 Website
Passive House Multi-Family – Good for All is Good for One (webinar recording)
Target Audience: Building owners, developers, code reviewers, planning officials and design professionals interested in learning about the benefits of integrating passive house principles into larger multi-family or mixed-use projects. In this session, the link between occupant satisfaction and owner satisfaction will be established. Given the importance of occupant satisfaction, particularly in the multi-family residential sector, Owners should consider how they can design their buildings to achieve occupant satisfaction. A survey…
My Green Building Conference & Expo (MyGBCE)
Passive House California (PHCA) attended the 21st Annual My Green Building Conference & Expo (MyGBCE) organized by the USGBC Los Angeles at Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC). It was a community-focused and in-person featuring educational demonstrations, informative speakers, committee showcases, workshops, interactive presentations, a live musical performance, and art! Video | Passive House 101
EpiPHany Corner | Do Pass/Fail choices deliver optimum performance?
Even though it seems intuitively obvious that the logical answer is NO, a surprisingly high percentage of decisions regarding the design and construction of new homes are made on a Pass/Fail basis. “Building to code”, means complying with at least the minimum acceptable requirements in the large number of specific areas where compliance is required. Code is a Pass/Fail system and if a building does not meet one or more…
Meet the iPHA Affiliates
The International Passive House Association (iPHA) has created a new blog series aiming to introduce our international partner associations and the great work they are doing to the wider, global audience. The International Passive House Association (iPHA) was founded in 2010 to support the growing global Passive House community, disseminate information on the Passive House Standard and foster a greater public understanding of its significance. iPHA partners with independent Passive…
Passive House California Newsletter | June 2021
International Passive House Open Days | Meet the Affiliates: North and South America
International Passive House Open Days
The International Passive House Open Days are a great opportunity to learn about Passive House and energy efficient buildings. Get in contact with current owners and learn first-hand what it is like to live in a Passive House and what the building or retrofitting process was like. Some open houses and buildings will even have professionals on hand with the knowledge and tools to explain the technical details of Passive…
Small Planet Supply renews as a Platinum Sponsor
Small Planet Supply is a North-American company that provides high-performance building products. They are dedicated to the mission of creating both classic and modern high-performing buildings, including those designed and built to both Zero Net Energy and Passive House standards. In addition to supplying high-performance building products and systems they provide education, and training in the use of energy-efficient building materials and practices. Small Planet Supply is passionate champion of the…
“Evidence-based Performance” A Webinar for Building Industry Professionals
“The greatest trend we see today in constructing or renovating sustainable buildings is the movement toward evidence-based performance." Presentation Overview It is time to move beyond wanting to do the right thing to having the tools to ensure success in creating advanced buildings. The building industry’s fundamentals have not changed: Reach the finish line on time, on budget, and with no surprises — then manage in order to maximize revenue/profit, minimize…
Entering the Electrification Frontier: The Tri-County Market for Heat Pump Water Heaters (Regional Forum)
California is investing $400 million dollars in the electrification market with the expectation for substantial market demand for electrifying water heating with heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) over the next 5 years. In the tri-county residential sector, water heating is the largest user of natural gas and HPWHs present a huge market opportunity for building professionals – especially contractors, distributors, and manufacturers. During this event, attendees will gain real-world understanding of…