Join NAPHN and Passive House Pennsylvania for an Introduction to the Passive House Standard. Passive House goals and methodology change the way architects and builders think and work, making the architectural design itself a driver of climate, health, and social solutions. This is a 6-hour course that dives into the basic principles, history, certification, and the new frontiers of Passive House design as it continues to challenge and change industry…
Stacking Up: Carrick Library, America’s First Certified Passive House Public Library
Hosted by Passive House Pennsylvania, Featuring: Brandon Nicholson Join us for an in-depth look at the Carrick Library, a new Certified Passive House library in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Learn about the design, systems, and the process of delivering this groundbreaking project. Learning Objectives: Describe how the project came to have high-performance Passive House goals. Outline how to approach non-residential, commercial, and institutional Passive House projects. Describe what issues to…