Passive House Retrofits: The EnerPHit Standard

The Passive House Institute developed EnerPHit certification standards to accommodate the realities of existing old buildings, where foundations, party lines, historic preservation, cost, and other factors make a typical Passive House certification impractical. This course looks at the criteria, the pathways, and the potential exemptions that drive EnerPHit performance to deliver the health, efficiency, and resilience results we expect from Passive House. Through case studies of successful retrofits, see how…


Passive House Standards are not just for new construction. Existing structures can benefit from upgrading airtightness, insulation, reducing thermal bridging, upgrading to high performance doors and windows, and adding energy recovery ventilation. Applying the passive house standards to existing structure, however, has its own unique challenges. In this course, you’ll review the passive house standards and take a closer look at how they apply to retrofitting existing buildings, as well…