Passive House Certification Tips From A Passive House Certifier

Learn about how Certifiers see the building certification process, and what drives Certifier fees. Then hear tips and tricks to make your project go more smoothly, learn about common errors and get ready to streamline your project delivery. Presented by Certifier, Matt Bowers of the AUROS Group. Presentation: On Demand Credits: 1 AIA & PHI CEU Cost: $1.99 REGISTER HERE (ON DEMAND)

Passive House Certification Tips From A Passive House Certifier

Passive House Certification is critical to developing a fuller understanding of the Passive House Standard and the possibilities for optimization while providing a clear mark of a high-quality building. This support can be fully provided at the best price, when “the basics” are well understood and documented and common mistakes in the documentation are avoided from the get-go. This presentation and discussion will dive into the reality that certification fees…

Passive House Certification Worldwide

Passive House stands for healthy, comfortable living and impressive energy efficiency, regardless of the local climate. Over the last several years, Passive House has rapidly increased in popularity, with over three million square meters total floor area certified worldwide (the graph shows the stats as of June, 2021). 1 Square Meter = 10.76 Square Feet Source: International Passive House Association